Frank Wolf for Wall Street

The conference report on Financial Reform passed the House the other evening, adding another accomplishment to the pile of things the House of Representatives has gotten done for the people of America since January 2009. It was a pretty solid vote, with 237 members (out of 435) voting in favor of the bill.

One of those voting against fixing our broken financial system? Frank Wolf. Along with most Republicans in the House, he put Wall Street over Main Street.

Luckily, we have a candidate for Congress who knows that you and I should come first, Jeff Barnett.  When the Bill passed the House, Jeff Barnett had this to say about Frank Wolf’s “no” vote.

“I am disappointed that my opponent voted against a bill that would empower consumers and guard against the reckless speculation that shook the foundations of our economy,” Barnett said. “Frank Wolf’s vote last night sends an unmistakable message about his priorities: our thirty-year incumbent is a powerful defender of the status quo. Frank Wolf chose to defend big banks instead of standing up for working families. Frank Wolf voted to leave intact the system that cost so many their jobs and their savings. That’s unacceptable.”

“My opponent was blind to the onset of the financial crisis when he chaired one of the committees charged with oversight of the SEC. Last night, he had an opportunity to make up for that blindness by voting to protect consumers and investors. Instead, Frank Wolf opposed a bill that will bring security and stability to the financial system. Our Nation cannot afford another two years of Rep. Wolf’s obstructive short-sightedness,” Barnett warned. “I am committed to bringing a new brand of pragmatic and anticipatory leadership to Washington. The 10th District deserves a Congressman who understands both the productive power of the markets and the need for sensible rules to hold them accountable.” – Jeff Barnett

The time has come to change who is representing us in the House. Support Jeff, today!