GOP Extremism From the Inside

From Daily Kos:

The guy’s a hard-core righty who isn’t even far-right enough for the Lunatic Fringe. I feel no sorrow over his primary defeat, but I’m glad he’s spilling the beans on the extremist tilt the Republican Party is taking.

Rep. Bob Inglis (R-SC), who in June lost his renomination bid by massive 38-point margin after criticizing Glenn Beck, isn’t backing down from his condemnation of the growing tide of tea party-fueled extremism in the GOP. Last month, he excoriated Republicans leaders as demagogues and said that anti-Obama sentiment was being driven in part by racism. Now he’s offering more details on how whacky conspiracy theories have come to dominate the Republican Party, thanks in large part to the GOP’s tea party fringe.

Maybe it’s sour grapes, who knows, but I don’t care. Watching the party eat itself from the inside is pure entertainment for me.

My hope is that the rational peopole in this country come to their senses and educate themselves before the November elections. We don’t need a return to the flawed and failed policies of the 2001-06 years. We may be struggling now, but we’re in a better place then we were less than 2 years ago, and improving, albeit slowly.