Rated “X” for Leadership

When is pornography linked with job creation? When the idea-averse Republicans in Congress (including our own clueless Frank Wolf) decide it is.Yesterday, Democrats in the House of Representatives were poised to pass something called the COMPETES Act, which would have increased “investments in science, research and training programs”, thereby creating more jobs . But the GOP,  ever mindful that there’s an election coming up in 6 months, decided that they’d play political games and made a motion to recommit the bill, and attached to it an amendment which would bar federal funds from being paid as salary to federal workers viewing porn on government computers.

Now, I think we can all agree that misuse of government property in that manner is completely inappropriate. But how was that amendment in any way germane to the legislation in the COMPETES Act? Where was Rep. Frank Wolf (R-VA-10th), who, as a 30-year member of the House of Representatives, could have shown some authority and said, “we need to create jobs in this economy; this amendment will kill the opportunity to do so”.

Of course, the blindly partisan Wolf took no such leadership role, instead falling in line with the rest of the obstructionist Republicans, and the bill died.

Jeff Barnett, running against Wolf this fall, is a champion for job creation. He understands that investing in education and training is key to getting people back into the workforce again. He’s not interested in going along with cheap political stunts like Frank Wolf is – he’s committed to fixing our problems in our time and on our dime.

The first fix is to remove the 15-term, do-nothing incumbent from office, and keep this economy moving along.

3 thoughts on “Rated “X” for Leadership

  1. Paradox13

    Apparently, it’s okay for contractors to look at porn on the government dime, but heaven forbid government employees do.

    Private enterprise is better, I guess. Thus, they can look at porn on my tax dollars.

  2. Dave Nemetz

    Haha, gotta love those terms. The dudes were getting paid federal funds to watch porn, ostensibly on government computers (or at least ones purchased with government money).

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