Rush Limbaugh Has a Faulty Memory (edited for accuracy)

So back on July 27, Rush Limbaugh said:

It’s left who thinks “America’s chickensssss came home to roost” on 9/11.  It’s the American left that thinks we got what we deserved on 9/11.  

Uh…No. It was Jerry Falwell who said that.

My friend, Michael, pointed out that it was Ward Churchill who wrote an essay on the Justice of Roosting Chickens. However, Falwell did say we got what we deserved. Look at the video after the jump.

2 thoughts on “Rush Limbaugh Has a Faulty Memory (edited for accuracy)

  1. Epluribusunum

    ..since you probably don’t waste a lot of your time listening to crazypants radio and reading freerepublic-type ranting. If not for those outlets, no one else would have heard of him either. It’s instructive that these American Exceptionalist demogogues must dig for the intemperate remark within such an essay (similar to what was done to Jeremiah Wright) and use it to invalidate any analysis that attempts to honestly answer the question “Why do they (sic) hate us?” For the Exceptionalists, the answer can never be allowed to include even the slightest concession that our foreign policy might be the teensiest bit wrong.

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