Thanks, Climate Change Deniers

From The Washington Independent:

It turns out that an economy-wide cap on carbon emissions really is necessary to spur investment in what President Obama likes to call the “clean energy economy.” At least for Deutsche Bank.

Politico pointed today to an Aug. 11 Reuters story that says Deutsche Bank will funnel the $6 billion to $7 billion in investment money it puts aside for climate change not to the United States, but to Western Europe and, wait for it, China.

We’ve just had the second-warmest July on record, and we’re on pace to have the warmest year ever, temperature-wise. The warming of the earth and the resultant warming of the oceans is most likely a cause for the severe storms we have experienced over the past few years.

And the climate change-phobics who refuse to take action on clean energy and carbon emissions legislation are now costing us billions in planned investment funds that will be moving elsewhere in the world.

Yet, they’ll still blame the president for the lack of movement with regard to jobs.

1 thought on “Thanks, Climate Change Deniers

  1. Paradox13

    Denial of facts isn’t free. It causes real, measurable harm to people. This is why irrationality in our politics is so dang dangerous!

    This is but the tip of the iceburg of damage that can be done if we don’t do something about both climate change AND the politics that lets the denial of climate change have it’s time in the spotlight.

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