What Would Wolf Repeal?

In the Loudoun Times-Mirror, Mike Turner asks Congressman Frank Wolf an open question:

Mr. Wolf, which of the eight active provisions of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (listed above) will you try to repeal if you’re re-elected?

That is the right question. The Republican party has made it clear that their order of business if they get the majority is repeal of the progress that has been made over the past two years. We, the voters of the 10th District, deserve to know where Mr. Wolf stands on that plan.

Will Mr. Wolf repeal lifetime limits on health insurance coverage?

Will Mr. Wolf repeal the provision that prevents denial of coverage for pre-existing conditions?

Will Mr. Wolf kick family members between the ages of 18 and 26 off their parents’ insurance?

I want to know, Mr. Wolf, what would you do?  

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