Just Sayin’

Instead of blogging or commenting this evening, I went to an OFA phone banking event and recruited people to help us out this year and next.

I like blogging and online conversations, I really do. But I like organizing more. And I kinda think it’s the organizing that will win the day in November, which is the point.

2 thoughts on “Just Sayin’

  1. Liz Miller

    I wanted to walk for Jennifer this past weekend, but was too busy going through a box and a half of Kleenex.

    She and I will go this coming weekend instead.

  2. Paradox13

    Wow, this post has been up for twelve hours – a post about actual actions, rather than words – and it has garnered zero comments from the community that is so concerned about commenting policies.

    I guess that’s just a demonstration of priorities.

    Back to organizing…

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