Warner Workman’s gun shop
Our local Lovettsville gun merchant, Warner Workman, posted a controversial sign on Thanksgiving outside his shop – urging folk – to get their semi-automatic AR-15 assault rifle in time for the holidays – it said – “buy now, buy often.”
Not everybody thought this was what we really need to be advertising and selling in a peaceful family oriented community.
Janice’s reaction was: “Disturbing!!!”
Lynda said, “Really !! All about the money grab.”
Ray underscored the fact that the AR-15 was a military style killing machine, responsible for mass shooting deaths in Aurora, Orlando, Las Vegas, Sandy Hook, Umpua CC, San Bernadino and Sutherland Springs.
Sandy Hook Elementary School is one of those tragic incidents that stands out from all the others. It was a break with past shooting horrors, even including Columbine, and caught the nation’s attention because 20 students and 6 adults were killed in an elementary school class by a gunman armed with a semi-automatic AR-15 assault rifle made by Bushmaster and pistols made by Glock and Sig Sauer. Continue reading →