Tag Archives: Dorian Johnson

Probable cause for murder in Ferguson

michaelbrowngunshotsDorian Johnson was on Canfield Street in Ferguson, Missouri on August 9 when Officer Darren Wilson stopped Dorian and Mike Brown walking in the middle of the street.

Dorian testified under oath before the grand jury on September 10, 2014.  Dorian’s statement was sufficient probable cause for a judge, magistrate or the grand jury to vote a true bill for a homicide by Officer Wilson.

Probable cause is the standard that governs a grand jury proceeding.

Dorian’s testimony was corroborated by witnesses, physical evidence and autopsy reports.  Yet, Officer Wilson was exonerated and the killing found “justified.”

Johnson swore under oath that Officer Wilson “got right directly on the side of us …” and said, “Get the F ___ on the sidewalk” (p. 45)(G. Jury Transcript, pg, 9/10/14).

Johnson said we “continued to walk … but almost a split second [later] we heard the tires screech, and the Officer [Wilson], he pulled back in the truck [SUV] very fast to the point at an angle – if we didn’t hear his tires screech, the back of his cruiser would have struck one of us … (p. 47)” and “it was very aggressive” (p. 74).  Officer Wilson’s “door was thrust open … real hard,” said Johnson, and “it hit” Mike Brown (p. 49).

Wilson’s “arm came out the window [and] … grabbed ahold of [Brown’s] shirt around the neck area” (p. 49).  Brown was “trying to pull off the officer’s grip” (p. 51).  Johnson said, “the officer [was] trying to pull him inside the vehicle through the window … but [Brown was] pulling away” (p. 53).  Johnson said he heard their “cuss words” and “it [was] escalating” (p. 54).  Wilson then threatened, “I’ll shoot.” (p. 100). Continue reading