A chastened Supervisor E. Delgaudio listening to the public demanding his censure (photo J. Flannery)
Sterling Supervisor Eugene Delgaudio lost his ever-present orange hat, his open smile, his false swagger and his law suit when he tried to prevent the Board of Supervisor from having a hearing last Wednesday on what Mr. Delgaudio did or did not do to abuse staff and misuse and mingle County resources with his gay-bashing hate group and his campaign fund-raising activities.
Mr. Delgaudio said he wanted to know before last Wednesday’s meeting what the Board’s specific charges were.
The Board listed five charges, with the help of Board Member, Mr. Shawn M. Williams, drawing principally upon the 8-page statement filed by Ms. Donna Mateer, a former staffer (submitted last March)(that Mr. Delgaudio has had ever since), and the recent critical grand jury report (June 24, 2013)(that didn’t indict but did plainly identify various kinds of official misconduct by Mr. Delgaudio).
Mr. Delgaudio wanted an opportunity to respond.
Chairman Scott York called the Board into a Committee of the Whole in public so that Mr. Delgaudio could.
When given the opportunity, Mr Delgaudio lost his voice.
Mr. Delgaudio carped, sniveled and complained that he needed more time. Continue reading