The best argument ever

Crossposted on Equality Loudoun.

Allowing gay men and lesbians to marry would “be a victory for the worthy ideas of tolerance and inclusion…[and] a victory for, and another key expansion of, the American idea,” and it would also “likely be accompanied by a wide-ranging and potentially valuable national discussion of marriage’s benefits, status and future.”

Also, marriage equality “would probably reduce the proportion of homosexuals who marry persons of the opposite sex and, thus, would likely reduce instances of marital unhappiness and divorce.”

So testified a key expert witness in the Proposition 8 trial.

You are probably assuming that this was a witness for the plaintiffs suing to overturn Prop 8. If so, you are wrong. This is the testimony under cross examination of David Blankenhorn, witness for the proponents of Prop 8.

The closing arguments are today, and are being live-blogged at

Bye, Marshall-Newman. It’s been fun.

3 thoughts on “The best argument ever

  1. Epluribusunum

    It helps to be reminded that things like this are only painfully obvious to gay people. And that reinforces how important it is that people are exposed to this trial – the testimony on both sides is quite remarkable. The pro-Prop 8 side worked very hard to prevent it from being televised, and even to have their own witnesses’ testimony stricken from the official record. They know.

  2. Dave Nemetz

    I never really thought about the link between divorce rates and gay men and/or lesbians in heterosexual marriages who ultimately divorce. I guess I can chalk that up to my own ignorance. Thanks for opening my eyes to it.

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