A reminder, a rumor, the RPV, and a round (reposted from Doorbellqueen.com)

A reminder that you’ve got limited time if you want to be a voting member of the LCDC. I don’t really understand why they have the deadline, but there you go.

A commenter on Too Conservative said that Bob Moses is running for Chair along with Evan MacBeth. So at least there’s a choice? If you’re interested in voting?

Personally, I think not allowing on-site registration is a mistake, but it ain’t my party.

The RPV seems to be making their own errors, but at least I can laugh at those.

Last but not least, here’s a little something to lighten the mood:

1 thought on “A reminder, a rumor, the RPV, and a round (reposted from Doorbellqueen.com)

  1. Not Bob Moses

    Bob Moses would be a DISASTER! He is the best example of whats wrong with LCDC and its leadership. He will be ten times worse then Mike Turner.

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