Tag Archives: anti-Semitism

Can you spot manufactured outrage over “anti-Semitism”?

Crown Heights riot, 1991

Crown Heights riot, 1991

In a previous post, Pariahdog explained the historical context and meaning of the anti-Semitic joke told by John Whitbeck to warm up a Republican crowd in September, and Whitbeck’s dismissive response to the outrage it generated. The joke itself embodied the historically lethal ideas of deicide, replacement theology and the “greedy Jew” stereotype: “And by anti-Semitic, I mean really anti-Semitic. It’s about Jews presenting the pope with the bill for the Last Supper, so it packs two of the most toxic anti-Jewish stereotypes into a single punchline: God-killers! Cheapskates!” In their ignorance, or perhaps their cultural hostility, Whitbeck and his supporters have tried to claim that the offense taken to both his joke and his non-apology was manufactured and politically motivated.

Now, the Crown Heights neighborhood of Brooklyn has given us a contrasting incident involving accusations of anti-Semitism.

In the Crown Heights incident, the offense was caused by New York Councilman-elect Laurie Cumbo when she made a statement about a recent cluster of “knockout game” attacks allegedly perpetrated by African American youth against Jews. In her initial statement, Cumbo suggested that resentment over “Jewish success” was a factor in the attacks, explaining that in conversations with constituents during her campaign “many African American/Caribbean residents expressed a genuine concern that as the Jewish community continues to grow, they would be pushed out by their Jewish landlords or by Jewish families looking to purchase homes.” The Anti-Defamation League responded:

“…we are troubled by the incoming councilwoman’s sentiments, particularly her comment about resentment over Jewish economic success, which evokes classic anti-Semitic stereotypes.”

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Can you spot anti-Semitism?

E.W. Jackson and John Whitbeck

E.W. Jackson and John Whitbeck

As we mourned JFK on the 50th anniversary of his death, we glossed over Kristallnacht, the largest and most widespread anti-Jewish pogrom in modern history. Kristallnacht triggered the Holocaust, and the extermination of six million Jews. The Jewish survivors, settled in America, Australia, South Africa and the newly established state of Israel, adopted the saying “Never Again!” and have tried to re-establish Jewish culture, to preserve the history of the Holocaust through the USHMM, and to teach the world about the universality of the event through groups like the Anti Defamation League. Not coincidentally, the ADL has taken pro-human rights positions regarding immigrants, GLBT people, anti-Islamic extremists and racist sports team names.

In Loudoun, the two Jewish synagogues – Sha’are Shalom and Beth Chavarim Reform Congregation – have joined the All Dulles Area Muslim Society and other faith communities in interfaith dialogue and education. On the surface, it appears that anti-Semitism is waning in the U.S. However, incidents involving the Republican Party and the Evangelical “Christian Worldview” community reveal that anti-Semitism is alive and well right here in our backyard.

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