Tag Archives: Rape Culture

Dick Black tries to explain his “marital rape” remarks

Dick Black explains his view of a spousal rape bill

Dick Black explains his view of a spousal rape bill

In a defensive-sounding email sent Friday, the Dick Black campaign reacted to a Weekly Standard piece that doesn’t consist of much more than the video of Black’s remarks about a 2002 bill to amend Virginia’s spousal rape law: Spousal Rape Defending Republican Considering Running for House.

The email claims that “Black was not taking a position for or against marital rape.” While he may not have been literally “taking a position for or against marital rape” during the floor speech captured in the video, it’s difficult to believe that he doesn’t have opinions on the topic. His closest allies on the fringe of “social conservatism” typically take the position that marital rape, by definition, can’t exist. For example, Phyllis Schlafly of Concerned Women for America – the organization for which Mrs. Black is a national lobbyist, and to which Dick Black gave this appalling interview during which he joked that “Concerned Women for America is the women’s organization that likes men” – had this to say in a 2007 campus speech:

By getting married, the woman has consented to sex, and I don’t think you can call it rape.

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What I’ve been reading, links worth following

These are links from my Twitter Feed from today*.

*I may spend a smidge too much time on Twitter.